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Wednesday, October 21, 2009
10/21/2009 11:33:00 PM

It's more than about time to get this place moving again.

7 months of dust piled up as if it happened in a day.

So introducing the new system.

All for one, one for all:
From now on, contents of this blog can be freely posted by
any Askarians. In order to do this, an invitation to be a blog
author will be sent to anyone who wants to contribute.

You may freely post anything you want, with the exception of
any offensive content.

Possible topics:
Something funny happened today.
I got the best grades for my course of studies!
Part time job offer for anyone interested!

Basically anything I want to talk about goes here.

For those interested (Askaris or close buddies only),
send me your email address over MSN or email it to me
at alphastickmania@hotmail.com or post your email in the Cbox.


Wednesday, March 18, 2009
3/18/2009 03:46:00 PM

RAWR. Hey there.

Uh... in case anyone noticed, the pack 1 and 3 link were swapped but that has now been fixed.

The torrent link will be up soon for those who actually wants it.

Torrent Link:

Torrent File

For those who don't want to use torrent or have no idea how to, stick to the DDL links below.

PS: I finally felt the greatness of 1mb/s download speed. Part 3 only took 3 minutes 30 seconds to download.

Use a download manager called Download Express if you want better speeds when downloading. (Recommended by the person who last posted.)

Posted By: Hean Jin (Who else... wait, there was someone else.)

Tuesday, March 17, 2009
3/17/2009 11:20:00 PM

Hey guys this is gibs here, before I write up on the event, just like to let you guys know that the whole event photos are available on the links below. However, do be warned that these files weight in at a whopping total size of ~670MB. Get all three of them, then extract, as you cannot extract the file packs individually.

File Pack 1
File Pack 2
File Pack 3

To download it, just click on the 'Request Download Ticket' text. Then click on the direct file link that will appear shortly after :)

+ In order to achieve faster download speeds, you can use Download Express so that you get maximum download speeds for the internet plan you get. Also, iFile.it also supports multiple threads for each download, so you get your photos fast :D

* If your antivirus tells you that Download Express is a virus, just ignore it, as it isn't a virus. Trust me on this ;)

You have been warned on the file sizes :D


Saturday, January 24, 2009
1/24/2009 03:05:00 PM

Well, well, well... I bet a pretty penny some of you thought I have forgotten about the polls by now.


They are already up and running so you all have till the last minute before Valentine's day this year to vote. No funny polls there so prepare to take everything with a relatively serious note. (Not)

No signs of Joshua posting anything here yet so... yeah, do more than tagging already. XD

And as I now head towards ending this post in a witty manner... allow me to tell you all a short story about what happened in one of my most recent pop quiz given to me by my lecturer...

Question 5:
Note: This MCQ question might have more than one answer.
Choose as many as you think is correct.

1. Happy!
2. Chinese!
3. New!
4. Year!

And you will get 2 marks for getting it correct! :P

Well then, have a Happy Chinese New Year for all askarians and all the best for everything!

Posted By : Hean Jin (Not so good at humour but makes pitiful attempts at it.)

Wednesday, January 14, 2009
1/14/2009 06:16:00 PM

*Radar distortion noises*

All right. I am sure that anyone who sees this now will go, "Why are you still posting on a barely alive class blog?"

My answer would be, "Good question. Now stop asking."

Anyway, just to pass about a little hint on the upcoming polls, one of which will be regarding CNY, another would be a subject closer to heart and the last one... a surprise.

Speaking of which, I "ran" (Not literally, of course) into the la- I mean the one who started this all recently. (Not Mr Peh, just in case anyone was thinking of him)

Going on, it simply means that I met Joshua. Now, it seems the only thing he remembers me for is "4A class blog" and mentioned something about changing the blog skin (Hopefully soon if he means it). And so, we might have a new blogskin to be admiring.

That about wraps up this post... and just in case anyone wonders who posted the previous post, look below.

Posted By : Hean Jin (Happened to "accidentally" forget to tag the last post... Sorry)

Thursday, January 1, 2009
1/01/2009 12:33:00 AM

Hello once more, fellow ASKARIANS!

A year has finally gone by since our parting after the O levels and so on...

And frankly speaking, I have no idea what I intended to do or get done by posting this anyway.

Most importantly at hand would be to wish everyone a Happy New Year!

Gone is 2008 as we are now in 2009 and venturing foward.

At this point of time, most guys/gals who have gone to Poly are probably still in school, (T_T)
and well... most JC guys/gals are probably just done with their holiday break. (Also T_T)

As for our Askarians who are overseas, whether the new year had already passed hours ago or is still approaching at the time of this post (GMT +8), it's hard to say what they are doing right now and so if any one of you who are overseas and reads this, please tag on the Cbox or message over MSN for the blog account and pass so that we can know how you are doing at the moment. (:D)

And that about wraps up my post after stealing the chance for the first post just after the New Year (Although I think no one actually was competing for the first post other than me) and once again, Happy New Year to all the Askarians and anyone else who visits our blog.

PS: Poll center has no polls going yet. One is being planned to start real soon...
PPS: PS stands for Post Script. :)

Saturday, August 16, 2008
8/16/2008 03:01:00 AM

Mushi mushi?

Ni men hai hao ma?

So yeah... long time no post. If you have any to say about my attempts at Chinese and Japanese, feel free to. Down to business... It's been months since the last post and about a year since Askari has parted. *Sniff*?

Teacher's day is coming up this 1st September and Gibson and some other old Askarians will/might be going back to give some of the teachers we still know a surprise( and a gift?). So the reason why I mentioned Gibs is because he's the guy behind this return of mine (Uh... I had planned my return some time later) as well as this old school revisit. So anyone interested, please post in the Cbox or msg us over MSN and maybe we could all set up something.

PS : Here's something extra from the MSN conversation we had to reel you guys in. :P

MSN Convo :
Stick says:
Stick says:
I got into the blog
Stick says:
What do you want me to say about Teacher's day?
Chill³ / gibby says:
just say whether they want a meeting or not...
Stick says:
Stick says:
Shouldn't it be more like I am going back to schol, want to come along or not?
Stick says:
Chill³ / gibby says:
yeah sumth like that
Chill³ / gibby says:
sumth to reel them in
Stick says:
Stick says:

So yeah. Do join us and all have one big meeting, okay?

Posted By : Hean Jin (Still alive, kicking and posting since O levels, 2007)

Wednesday, May 7, 2008
5/07/2008 08:15:00 PM

wah lau.. feel so stress up now.. dont know what to do.. dont know where to go.. dont know what to think...

tons of things yet to do..
how i wish we are back in time.. where we have no stress..
dont have to make decision.. everything is there for u ..
all ur friends.. friends who realli know u ..
one who know what u are thinking without having u to say out..

miss those time with 4A..
miss those time in yuying.
seriously.. that kind of feeling.. i still cannot find it in my poly life.. yet to find..and i doubt it could be found,
ppl are all clicking with their friends in poly so well.. but what about me??..
am i ??.. or am i not??..
i dont know .. i realli have no idea..
or.. maybe ... haiz.. stress.....

just to say.. i seriousy miss my friends alot..
how i wish that i am not in poly now.. and is in my holiday.. where by everyday is so free.. i can do what ever i like ..
but i know its not possible..
i dont feel like doing my homework in school...
i dont feel like going to school now..
its unlike me ..
i dont do this in sec school..
do i ?..

haiz. thats why i say.. u see.. i dont know what am i now..
thinking of doing something that i have never thought b4
we always say we can always meet up after sec school .. no worry..
and i know that everyone do wan to meet up..
but .. do we have the time??.
timetable are all different..
project are stacking up ..
homework are waiting for me..
group project are yet to be done..
i dont know.. this time.. i seriously got no idea what to do..
nothing seems impossible for me.. but this time..
i realli dont know what to do..
its the first time i feel so stress..
not as in stress. but i just dont feel like doing anything now..
NOTHHING... not a single things....

Monday, April 21, 2008
4/21/2008 10:09:00 PM

what do i wan to say ??..
i'm not sure.
what do i wan to tell?
i'm not sure.

but one thing that i am very sure, is that i seriously miss u guys alot.
was chatting with cynthia, our always laughing girl in the class.
well.. we both miss askari..
and while talking to her on msn, tears starts to roll down my cheeks.
i dont know why, guess i realli miss u all too much

school have started, we got our new class.
but let me tell u all something that u all wont believe.
i am very quiet in my class. and i am very serious.

i dont know why i am like this.
maybe cos i really cannot fit myself into a class where not even a single askarian is in .
a class where.. there are no familiar face.
a class where none had been through the thick and thin with me.
a class.. a class where i havent find my purpose of being in there..

this all all just sudden feeling.. so sudden that i feel like telling u all..
those who still remb askari as ur class.
we might be the worst in ppls eyes..
but to me.. and some of u out there..
we know deep down out heart.. askari is the best..
no one will ever... and never replace askari in my heart..

Wednesday, April 9, 2008
4/09/2008 12:15:00 AM


Saturday, March 29, 2008
3/29/2008 12:51:00 AM

i have my own blog too.. but... when it comes to emo posting.. i still choose to blog here.. cos.. this is the place.. where we shared the same story together...ha..
if we were to talk about missing our friends from askari, i guess there is no other place better then here.. the 4Askari's blog.. haha.
today was speech day, went back to school. and saw alot of familiar faces.. from those who were onces in 4A, to those who were in other class. dont know why. there is this feeling.. a feeling that i dont know how to put it in words, but i just know that its heartwarming..

saw peh in his smart uniform. but just didnt get a chance to speak to him longer, cos the parade is starting.but i guess DAD, thats enough isn't it??.. seeing ur children back in school once again...
u cant hind. cos i see it all from the smile on ur face.
and over the phone.. u sounds happen too.. although we didn't get a chance to talk much or even to take photo like what u say... ha.. we understand la.. u are now a father of two.. u have ur family.. wahhaa..

saw chia'ed, saw desmond..saw peh.. its like one big family gathering together again.. although its just a 5 mins talk we had at the staircase, but it is enough.. isn't it??.. we know that deep in each of our hearts, we still love each other..

and mrs ravi.. finally see and talk to u ... ha.. glad to hear that ur back is getting better.. haha.. do takecare alot.. cos .. not onli the student in yuying needs u .. ur two cute little darling needs u too..

Pamela...i can see u smile today.. and its like finally.. haha.. yes u are busy.. busy with band.. and band make u smile huh??.. lo.z.. but who cares??.. as long as u are happy.. everyone in askari will be happy for u .. heheh..

saw alot of teachers too... glad to know that they are all doing well.. wonder if there is realli any teacher in the school will really miss 4A??.. or has 4A'07 already become part of the history??.. well.. no one knows.. but..we know that the the times we had with each other in 4A, will never be history to any of us, it will be the happiest memories we will have in our mind..

good luck my friends.
and i guess i dont have to write my name le uh??.. since u all already know who am i ^^

Thursday, March 20, 2008
3/20/2008 11:03:00 PM

hie hie everyone.. guess who am i ??.. lol.z.. been long since i last post.. and its like..... no one is posting la.. so i decided to do some posting.. well.. not for anyone though... but just cos this is MY class blog.. so yea.. it should be alrite yea??.. haha...

dont know how many of u all out there still visit this blog.. but i know there is quite some arhx??.. haha.. dont forget to tag when u come.. just a hie will be good enough.. at least dont make us feel that u are heartless.. haha.. cos i know some of ur like to see without leaving a tag or something..haha.

so... hows everyone doing??.. fine i guess... most are now busy with ur JC huh??.. stress??.. ha.. dont be jealous of us( those who are going poly).. haha... just to let ur know...WE ARE ENJOYING OUR LIFE SIA... WAHAHAHHAHAHHA...
and those who are going to poly... busy with ur adminstration liao arhx?.. haha .. hey,.. better do it fast b4 they dont let u in ok.... haha...

ha.. and of cos.. not forgetting our dear teacher la.. haha... saw chia'ed saw peh.. haha. doing good rite?/.. loz... well of cos... u cannot expect a perfect class.. since WE , 4A'07 is no longer in yuying.. so yea.. haha.. alrite.. dont laugh and dont bluff urself.. i know deep down ur heart... u all are also thinking that we are a perfect class rite??... WAHAHAHAHA... i knew it.. lolz...

well and of cos.. there are mrs ravi too.. but i dont know if she still visit our blog bo???.. but nvm.. if any of u get to see her or something.. hey.. tell her 4A miss her like how much we miss DAD and chia'ed.. haha...

anyone crying??.. no la.. i know u are now onli thinking of what'ch we have done together in the pass arhx??.. haha.. missing the time we had together.. missing the time we got scolded and punished huh??.. haha...sad??.. haha..hey.. i am such a idiot talking to myself here.. haha.
well well well.. have u all guess who am i ??.. haha.. well.. thats not important too.. haha.. just know that i am someone from askari can liao.. haha...

just to let u all know.. ppl.. i miss u all alot la..haha... u all might find it stupid.. but seriously.. this is the best class i ever had.... ha.. everything... yes... u all.. u all make my day when i am in 4A...
actually there is alot of thing i wanna tell u all.. but.. i cannot remb whatch i wanna say.. so yea.. cos i have STM la.. so.. haha... dont mind me.. hehe.... well.. but i will post it up once i remb.. haha

once a friend, a lifetime friend...

Monday, February 11, 2008
2/11/2008 09:49:00 PM

Ok. One piece good news and another piece bad. Guess we will go with good first. A new poll is up and it is about how much you got for the Chinese New Year. This poll is friendly to all and hence, do take part in voting and sharing with the rest of the class. In other news, the Cbox have been cleared and is now in a brand new state. Please refrain from posting more than three times in the row unless you have almost completely use up the space in the three tags and have more to say. With the reset, may the Cbox have a new start and no signs of possible spammage.

Posted By : Hean Jin ( http://www.poll-center.blogspot.com )

Tuesday, January 29, 2008
1/29/2008 04:56:00 PM

Alright. If you look below the C-Box Area now, there is one link. I will need you guys who want to be listed to send me your blog's URL and the nick/name that you want to have displayed along with it. Joshua sent me a copy of the old blog's template but I can't find it so all those who were previously on the blog is also gone. (Joshua, please resend.) But if you don't want to wait for him, just send me your blog's URL and nick/name if you don't see it under the links still.

Posted By : Hean Jin

Thursday, January 24, 2008
1/24/2008 05:46:00 PM

Askari !
First and foremost.... Congratulations to those who have done well....
Congratulations also to those who didn't do so well, but did well enough!
Congratulations to those, who didn't do well......
In short, Congratulations to EVERYONE!

You know why ?
Cause we have gone through the whole O levels as ONE class....
We have gone through 2 years together.. as one united body! =]
That's what matters...

I know, right now... there are some of us, who missed by that few pts, or even one point....
There are also some of us, who have done well enough to stay in JC...
Also some of us, who have done extremely well, to go to a JC....

Whatever it is, The Askari Spirit still lives in all of us....

But let me tell you this..
For every Askarian who cried today... DAD cried the most....
I can tell....
For every Askarian that cried today.. DAD cried, because which DAD doesn't want their children to do well?

But well, It's over...

Nothing can be done to change the marks.
We have to live live according to how we have fared.....

To Yanming,
You were the first person who cried ....
It's okay.
English is NOT everything....
You have done well for others yeah ?
So.... pursue the Poly course you wish to go to..and Jia You!

To Felicia, TianJiao, BeeChin,
You are the 3 superwomans' of Askari...
Even though you lost the battle to Damien,
We are still proud of you!
We love you as much still !
We are still Askarians' forever right ?

Whatever it is, Jia you !

To Kenneth
Even tho you didn't get your DPA successfully, Jia you !
There are other courses which you can pursue... =]
Jia You ! Askari behind you always !

To Sihui
Even tho you didn't do that well for EL.. But... I want you to know. EL is not everything....
NY still would want you... Go back to them, and explain to them....

Jia You!

To the rest, whom I did not know anything.....
Jia you.. No matter how many pts you guys have gotten,
Askari loves you always !

We will forever be ONE class. ONE heart beating.. and ONE united group of children, for our DAD.

We will always be behind you...
Askari loves you alot !
We are sorry if we have not performed the way you wanted us to perform.. especially me...

Whatever it is, Remain as our most wonderful FT, most wonderful Dad, and most wonderful Physics teacher FOREVER!


With that,

1/24/2008 05:41:00 PM

That's it! We have done it. Through the O levels and passed the results release, the askarians have been through it all. There was plenty of laughing and crying after the results were given out (Even before the results were given out) , but overall, the askari has turned out just fine. While the end of the O is here and the start of the JAE is out for most, the polls that have bugged us through the years are not over yet. So it about 30 minutes after this post, feel free to drop by www.poll-center.blogspot.com and vote for the choice that suits you the most in the poll. In other news, the blog template will be going through some changes so there will be more stuff around here for you to hang about for as well as music. (As soon as I find time to get around to doing it) With that, I wrap up this post. Hopefully, shortly after this, another askari will drop by this place and post something emo. (To all of the askari : Posting emo stuff on this blog about the O and the last two years should be done within a week after today. XD)

Posted By : Hean Jin

1/24/2008 12:33:00 AM

Well, in accordance to the update of the previous post, the result are released today, in 14 hours of when this post was made. As mentioned earlier, there will be a poll (One you all might dread or like) made by the end of today, which means we would have gotten our results by then and are either rejoicing or taking the plunge (The plunge into alcohol or soft drinks if you can't get alcohol. Not off a building of course) . I had wanted to put up something about the music playlist on this blog but thought against it. So that's it for this post. However, if any of you have any songs you like and it is hosted on a website where you have it's full url, send me the link so that we can get this started. Wishing the askarians the fate of the most optimistic results we can get, it is the official end of this post from me.

Posted By : Hean Jin (Late nights have never been easier)

Friday, January 18, 2008
1/18/2008 08:18:00 PM

*Ahem* In this post, I woould like to cover a few things. Firstly, there is no music on the blog yet(You know why.) Maybe I will put back the old song after all. Secondly, O level results will be released next week.

25th, It believe.

And with that, this post is done. Btw, incoming poll on the day of the results release.

Edit : It is on the 24th. Which also means it is but hours away from the result result. Good luck to those who wants it. Good job for those who are confident. For those who are confident in doing poorly and do not care, you are on your own.

Posted By : Hean Jin

1/18/2008 04:11:00 PM

I have half day off... Emo post beginning....Heh...... Not exactly emo. But memories..

Remember this picture??


It brings back memories don't they ?
Tingli, the once quiet girl in 3A, became the once noisy girl in 4A.....
Funny eh?

Remember this ?


I miss the jokers.. They were the ones who brought laughter, jokes, and life to the class.... As if the iconic chairman wasn't enough, they added more life !

Remember this ?


And this ?


And this ?


Sometimes, we are all very busy with our lives and our work.. But have we really stopped everything, and just think, I miss Askari.
Askari... Anyone still remember how this word came out?

It came about because DAD wanted us to be warriors, to fight.. If Im not wrong, Askari means warrior in another language.. was it latin or portugest.. whatever it is...

Im listening to this song, called To Where You Are....

Who can say for certain..
Maybe you're still here
I feel you ard me
Your memory so clear...

Deep in the stillness
I can hear you speak
You're sitll an inspiration can it be?

That you are mine... Forever love...
U're watching over me from up above

Fly me up to where you are , beyond the distant star
I wish upon tonight
to see you smile.
If only for awhile to kno you are there
a breath away is not far to where you are

Are you gently sleeping
Here inside my dream.

As my heart holds you,
Just one beat away....
I cherish all you give me...

Cause You're mine...
Forever love,
watching me, from up above...
And I'll believe that angels breathe..
And that love will bve more then never leave

Fly ... Me up to where you are, beyond the distant star...
I wish upon tonight... to see you smile.....
If only for ahwile to know you're there....
A breathe aways' not far from where you are...

A breathe aways' not far to wherre you are...

Tears are flowing down my face now...
Everything.. ranging from lessons. to PE lessons, to outings to NYP, SP, TP, everywhere..
Even going for assembly, Askari always take our own sweet time... talk... But isnt' that where the bonding is ?

Bonding, is most impt in friendship... Yeah.
If not, how do you further understand your friends.. let alone know what is happening to them, at a certain stage of their lives?

Well... Time flies... and Askari had to leave Eden eventually..
It's now up to the individual 39 of us, to keep in touch... amongst ourselves...

Gatherings? I hope so...

Friday, January 11, 2008
1/11/2008 11:35:00 PM

Ok. Let's see. Difference in the number of songs we have from yesterday till today. Zero. Things are looking grim for now. So that's all this post is about. I will continue about this next week. Inregardless of changes unless we really hit a full playlist.

Posted By : Hean Jin (I can't find music. Music finds me. lol)


Yuying Secondary School
Askaris' Eden
We love DAD
Askari Forever!

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January 2007February 2007March 2007April 2007May 2007June 2007July 2007August 2007September 2007October 2007November 2007December 2007January 2008February 2008March 2008April 2008May 2008August 2008January 2009March 2009October 2009

