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Friday, March 30, 2007
3/30/2007 10:30:00 PM

Today was the first time i got so angry with a fellow Askari....
I could not stand it...
I told myself that i should forgive him... Yet when he did that, i just burst out...
I think i have 2 split identities...
When i am provoked, you would see the other side of me...
I am capable of taking brooms and whacking people...
But i thank God that i controlled myself... If not.... the broomstick would have landed on his head...

What has happened to 2 good friends?
the friendship ?
The distance? Jintao has been the only one who just bystands, and doesn't do anything...
Somehow, i feel he should have stopped the 2 of them from doing that...
But never mind....

Somehow, a playful act in the Science lab led to a quarrel and many misunderstandings...
Was i too playful ? Was the boss himself terrible in suggesting such a stupid thing to do ?
After all, we are all ONE class.. ONE body... ONE for all, all for ONE !
Askaris is not a word just out of the dictionary... neither is it just a word anyhow used...
The word Askari is used to represent 41 warriors who would be redefining the stereotypes !
We would change the history and stereotypes !

But, how can we go about changing that when there is much rife in the class ?

Take for example,
HeanJin, he has his own way of managing the blog when i am so called OFFDUTY, and he posts and deletes something.. or BANS someone, then JingKai, Aaron and gang just feel buay song...
What can he do ?
Heanjin is just abiding by the rules..
Yes i may somehow agree that there maybe too many rules on the blog.. But this can be somehow worked out...
In life, theres nothing as i can understand you and you can understand me without talking..
We have to talk things out....

So. I am going to take over the WHOLE blog, with HJ still helping me....
I am gonna REdesign the whole thing...

Then again, i would like to appeal to those who are not happy with anything, Please PLEASE do raise up suggestions in class, or tag on the board... You are very welcomed to !

About the password thing, I would discuss with DAD one day, and see whether i can reveal the password to all Askari'-ans and so that each and everyone of you can post freely. I personally feel everyone is entitled to a chance to post and speak out....

To those 2 , i wish that all these would stop... the friendship must stay... secondary school friends must be kept...
Even though in class... some of us act like enemies, we still are friends...
See for eg how i scream and shout at Gibson for insulting MY CEFIRO ? But in the end, we are still friends, friends who can help each other, friends who share troubles.?/

Come on Askar-ians!
We are ONE !
Lets work hard for our Prelims...
Maybe I would think of an outing? This June hol /
Sounds exciting !

Peace and NO MORE fighting ! Lol !

P.S., someone, keep penknives, rulers, scissors, and the broom stick AWAY from me... =)

Rest well and happy Speech-ing day !

Saturday, March 24, 2007
3/24/2007 01:44:00 AM

today was the first time DAD got so angry with aSkaRi since the day the word aSkaRi was created.
emotional was an inappropriate word.
DAD was feeling sorrow as:

no aSkaRi wants to represent aSkaRi
every aSkaRi got other things more impt than representing aSkaRi

without the heart,
aSkaRi cant function

without the unison,
aSkaRi cant breathe in sync

without the desire,
aSkaRi is just a word outta english dictionary

without the will,
aSkaRi will cease to survive

4A-07 is at the cross road,
DAD said he wanted a class of aSkaRi who will inject humanity into the inhumane system.
DAD realised it was a tall order.
DAD was willing to try.
aSkaRi was willing to follow.

now it is the time to show whether aSkaRi are behind DAD
or it is a case of mere acquaintance


Thursday, March 22, 2007
3/22/2007 10:46:00 PM

Since we have so much disagreement from certain classmates, I will now open a topic to everybody. The topic is how do you want the class blog to be like? How do you want it to change? Absolute freedom of speech, no homework posts and a completely free and liberal blog? A blog that reminds us of what we need to do when we cannot contact anyone and "interferes" with the language we use? Or a blog that doesn't care about spamming, flaming and allows doing of anything? Note: Those were just examples. The Cbox is open for posting your views and opinions and you may practise freedom of speech. Your views will all be taken into consideration. At the end of this event, the cbox will be cleared and new changes will be implemented. The event ends when someones post on this blog that it has ended.

Also, for a seperate topic, all askaris are allowed to post on the class blog already. But the password has not been circulated yet as of the date this was posted. If you have a lot of opinions, refer to Joshua or me for the password. You can than go in and post your views. You must also place your name at the end of the post. However, unlike posting on the Cbox, refrain from using crude language and being too free with your text. Unlike the Cbox, the posts will stay there.

Posted by Hean Jin

Monday, March 12, 2007
3/12/2007 09:46:00 PM

I am awed how my previous post had freaked Askari's out
But don't worry guys!
Joshua IS FINE and back to his SIAO-ness already!

You can tell huh...

Dun worry
I was just going thru a bout of PMS-ing and i would be fine..
guys suffer these too...
Without the blood..
I mean, guys have their own periods of sadness and depressions.. but we snap out of them FASTER than the opposite sex.
I am no SEXIST!

I just would like to tell this to ALL ASKARIS.
Do not be discouraged over the marks
We all are smart people
All of us are people with the SAME no of brain cells....
so... we can be as smart as Joel, Tian jiao and Bee chin..
We just need to dig hard into our pea brains and discover those talents.
Otherwise, why would we be in 4A?

Work hard !!!
WE have 2 prelims to go..
For those taking chinese, work hard and get done over it fast.
We all hate chinese, just finish it and forget about it...

Please for goodness sake,
Holidays are not A TIME TO SLACK AND PLAY especially when we are in SEC 4 !
It's a time for us to catch up on some rest, but STILL study and pick up from where we got lost during lessons.

Rest wells during this hols and RAM OUR ENGINES when monday comes!!!
I always think we 4A people have ferrari engines!!
So... we are now putting the output equivalent to that of only a Toyota Altis or a Nissan Sunny... I want us to RELEASE THE TORQUE AND POWER OF OUR INTELLIGENCE and Ace the exams with torque to that of a FERRARI!
or maybe a Maserati?


Peace and see you guys tmrw at 9 for Social studies!! =)

Loveya loads!

Saturday, March 10, 2007
3/10/2007 10:41:00 PM

I write this post with mixed emotions
I dont know where to start... ... ...

As i heard it, my heart shattered...
The raw figures hit me like a sharp arrow piercing my heart
Mixed feelings it shall be...

I improved for all except that subject...
The subject i had most confidence in,
Yet i did BADLY for it.
I was aiming for at least a 4 at least.. But i got a 9...
I felt like crying the moment i saw that NUMBER 9 ..
But my ego held back my tears and i acted like nothing happened..
Many thoughts went thru my mind..
Many sad thoughts..
Many past memories...
The times...

The day i cried, you stood by me,
The day i was happy, you stood by me
The day i cried because of my failure, you were not there.
Instead you were elsewhere...I felt even worse...
But i was happy that you stood just next to me when i cried the worst,
where i could not control my tears.
I just cried but you were there.
I felt touched...

Now some of you maybe wondering who this person is..
I am not going to tell you..
The person should know it ...

Was also an emotional day for me..
The two of them got married, i was happy..
But many things went through my mind...
I was wondering, Would i get a chance to walk down that aisle next time?
Or would i just be a bachelor?
I would not be one....
I WILL NOT be one...

Time will heal wounds...
When the tears came down, you sensed it, I denied it, deep down, i wanted encouragement, but you gave none...
My whole life, came crashing down,
the anguish,
the disappointment,
the sadness..
All came at the same time....
I hid it well...

Then came dinner where my sisters wanted to see how i fared,
they encouraged me,
But my mom didnt.
Instead, i got a lecture...
I know i improved, but just give me that LITTLE MORE time to prove myself...
I believe in myself.
I have faith in myself.

The anguish
The anxiety,
all would be over...
Maybe my existence in this world would not matter...

My life, not complete, with lots of loopholes,

Will they come to an end?
Or would they come to an end only if i end it myself by leaving this world without a trace?
Where no one would notice that i had left?
Where even people closest to me would not notice my depression?

Would they?


3/10/2007 10:27:00 PM

I do not type peoms as well as the rest,
but I can say I am back for now to work.
Inspired by the others,
I make one too,
with the homework section updated.

Posted by Hean Jin
^_^ whazza mates?

3/10/2007 02:12:00 AM

I saw your tears
They were not tears of joy

I saw your anguish
They were statements from the heart

I saw your fear
They were wrecking your confidence

I saw your heart
It was beating a worried note

I saw your vulnerability
It was obviously for all with eyes

I saw your helplessness
It was engulfing your inner soul

I heard your plead for mercy
It was played on a low note

I sensed your uneasiness
It was a feeling I am least accustomed to

for your untold body languages
DAD is your comforting soul mate
DAD is your docking harbour
DAD is here for the young aSkArIs


Saturday, March 3, 2007
3/03/2007 10:06:00 PM

Did i make a wrong choice in asking them to buy it ?
Did i ?
I am feeling so weird now...
As i heard Mr Chandra say, this car has been repsrayed once.The bumper and some parts..
My heart sank..
Have we got a lemon?
But.. I love the car.. I have grown emotionally attached to it now...
After sending it for Sealant and Polishing today, I felt even more attached to it...
But why must he tell me that the car has been resprayed before?
Truth hurts !
But... I think for this , i rather he not tell me...
6 months old and only 2800km travelled... i SHOULD HAVE KNOWN...
but STA said the car is accident free and gave an A grade.. i trust them.. Maybe a slight scrape against a pavement made the previous owner touch up the car?

Never mind...
As my dad said.. Forget about it.. and just continue using it..
Anyway, it was a good deal.. and... YEAH...

I am glad that i can release all these emotionally boggling thoughts from my mind...
Some of you may not even know what im talking about, But as long as i vent it all out.. I would be fine....

Now im happy the cars SHINY and SEALANT-ED...
And the leather smells.. NICE=)
But.. the very fact, still stays....
I swear to myself that when i turn 18 and able to drive, I WONT GET A 2ND HAND CAR !
i would get a new car-)
No matter how much i slog for it, Its better than letting it be driven by another owner before....

I have learnt the facts of life
2nd hand cars are only for people who cant afford it..
My family can, but yet we chose it.. Why?
I dont understand !
But never mind....
It was a choice
As what Lakh said...
Evry choice you make, Comes a consequence....
So, these are the consequences and we have to accept that...

To those Askari's who have followed my so called progress on the car.. dont worry!
Joshua will drive A NEW car one day..
I wont be so dumb and get 2nd hand cars again....

I wont be...
I will succeed in life.. and make 4A a success..

Guys !
Lets make 4a07 a success and make D.A.D happy!!! =)


See ya guys on monday..

3/03/2007 07:37:00 PM

1. Why do you think these people are gathering?
2. There is a person at the back who is not smiling. What might he be thinking?
3. What might happen after this?

Friday, March 2, 2007
3/02/2007 11:23:00 PM

i feel happy because i chose not to feel depressed.

i will be happy on MONDAY because i will again see the rest of the aSkArIs after the weekends.
i am thrilled at the prospects of spending my first 4 periods in the arms of the aSkArIs on a blue blue MONDAY.

i will be happy on TUESDAY because there will be a session in the morning when the aSkArI leader was given free rein to talk whatever he chooses to talk and whatever he wants to discuss.

i will be happy on WEDNESDAY because i have managed to survive the first 2 days of the week.

i will be happy on THURSDAY because i know aSkArIs are going to be happy to see me for PhYsIcS.
it does matter whether the examination techniques have been learnt.
but more importantly, Alf is rejoicing in the possibility of bonding with the young aSkArIs.

i will be happy on FRIDAY because i will be able to say goodbe and happy weekends to the young aSkArIs on the last period.
i look forward to walking out of the gate with the young aSkArIs and feasting with them.

food glorious food



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