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Saturday, June 30, 2007
6/30/2007 11:04:00 AM

Wohoo.. this is the first time I post on our class blog..

I'm so sorry D.A.D that I am late, making u wait and having failed to be the first ex co who posts..


Today is 31st of June!!!
Which is.. ICE's Birthday!!! The sole Miss Thai among Askaris, who possesses the longest name( Prata-porn Bow-or-u-dongdong) ;p !
have all of u wished her?
It's her last year you know.. (if u noe what i mean........next year she will be an adult alrd lah)

Especially for Ice:
Ice, sorry for not wishing u on the first second of ur birthday.. (my handphone spoilt lah..cannot turn on)

This is a form of apology from me, please accept it~ haha :

Happy birthday to Ice~
This' your sweet seventeen~
Be happy oh my friend~
Happy birthday to you~

That's it..

well, please please please, please enjoy, ICE!!!~
(Photos are not with me hor~)

de Reyn
( to those who dunno my nick, I'm Debby -__- )

Friday, June 29, 2007
6/29/2007 06:07:00 PM

Ok guys. Homework from now on will be posted in the style of what to pass up by this week or the next. This is the new system implemented. Therefore, if there are too many complains about it, we might switch back. If not, it stays.

Posted By : Hean Jin

Sunday, June 24, 2007
6/24/2007 08:43:00 PM


School is starting tomorrow!!


Hope you guys have finished your work and be nice to our teachers!

I promise i would be a nicer moderator of this blog...
I would partner with Jin and make our blog HAPPENING!
And i would make sure.... All of you get the password and user, and lets make it a daily affair to post !!!
I will find a even more colourful skin... black seems too..... DARK eh ?

Im back with lotsa happy emotions!
Church camp has released me from my barrier from being the cheerful Joshua few months ago....
Many things have been happening ...
THAT happening.. that... i began to doubt some people... But
God has released me and im now back in full swing.. ready to counter O levels and the challenges ahead!!!

Lets do well for O levels and rock Yuying for being the slackest class, Yet we can deliver the results and prove we are really people who REDEFINE STEREOTYPES! =))

My personal goal for the rest of the year is also to get to know other people better... People like Jeremy, hafiz... the others.. who im not that close to....

I want Askaris to be so GLUE-IFIED that.... when O's end and we leave each other... we will be so emotion-ified.. that we will tear when we walk away from each other... But dont worry !




You're my hiding place...
Show me Your face...=))

6/24/2007 01:07:00 PM

haha.. its me .. the chairman here... so DAD.. dont say i never post ok...

my first time posting on the class blog... really dont know what to write.. but.... just wanna say that today is the last day of june holiday.. tmr need to start to work hard for our coming O's le... go jiayou to all in 4A... including the teachers... jiayou to teacher us all of what u all know... haha...

happy last day of holiday

Sunday, June 3, 2007
6/03/2007 06:22:00 PM

i am leaving, my children.
i am leaving for a while.
take care of yourselves.


Friday, June 1, 2007
6/01/2007 02:04:00 AM

happy birthday to you
happy birthday to you
happy birthday to XXX
happy birthday to you

6/01/2007 01:49:00 AM

She was the eyes that zoom in on the tiniest mistakes I made
She was the eyes that taught me how to discern good from evil

She was the ear that listens to the complaints my teachers have for me
She was the ear that listens to my sorrows when the whole world seems bleak

She is the nose that smells me out from miles away when I am up to my mischief
She is the nose that sniffs out potential troubles that are waiting to devour me

She was the mouth that lectures me non stop for the little trivial sins I commit
She was the mouth that pours out reassuring words when I am uncertain of the world

She was the hand that punishes me when I was not being good
She was the hand that comforts my wounds when I was hurt

She did all these just for the sake of wanting the best for me
She did all these without looking for any rewards in return
She did all these to make sure I was ready for the world when the time comes
She did all these because she loves me

She is my MOTHER



Yuying Secondary School
Askaris' Eden
We love DAD
Askari Forever!

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