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Thursday, November 29, 2007
11/29/2007 04:16:00 AM

looking at the photo of askari once again..
it bring back all the happy memories we had together..

the amount of fun we had together..

the time where we laugh at each other's funny looking..

the time where we smile at each other..
the time where we have fun disturbing each other..

the time of our happiest moment in life..

the time with askari..

how happy is everyone??
how much fun we have??

but now, that the O's is over..
we don't get to see the smile on the face again..
we don't get to see the rest of our 38 askari everyday..
we don't get to see DAD every morning now..

when will askari come together as a class again??
when will askari have lesson in the same class room again??
when will askari put on the same colour T-shirt again??

i dont know how many of u all have actually miss the time where we had fun together??
but i really miss them alot..
but it is all past now..

really hope that the next gathering will be up soon..

to see how have all the askari have been doing..

thank you

11/29/2007 03:37:00 AM

HI, this is my first time posting

Its been 15 days since we last saw each other.. Misses occurs, every soul looks forward to the next meeting.. FOUR LEFT, this is when the scary-organism, DISTANCE comes into place. It can be felt.. SO STRONG that it scares all of us. DAD says he is trying to get use to the days when askari are not around, though its hard. But DAD, we want you to know that we will never leave, askari still stays until the day you abandon us. I am wondering how are the other 38 soulmates are doing.. Are they fine, are they enjoying themselves?? ALL THIS is a mystery.. The answer only reveals itself until the day all of us meet.. AND, how long will that take?? Weeks, Months, Years? NO ONE KNOWS..

CONTACT-- An organism that links people together.
It helps us find askaris whereabouts and give us a notice when we will meet again.It cant be destroyed, as when it happens, it will be the day askari says GOODBYE to one another, including DAD..


11/29/2007 12:57:00 AM

Effective from this date, 29 November 2007, any askari wishing to conduct a poll that concerns us may PM me on MSN or send me an e-mail. Either method must have the following.

The question - What's a poll without it?
The answers. How many? - No questioning without any answering.
The time allowed to vote - It has to end whether everyone has voted or not.
The purpose behind the poll - The given question may already answer that but it is ensure that the poll is indefinitely askari-related in one way or another.

Please also note that each askari may have only one poll under them at any one time.
I will be going on holiday soon and won't be back for slightly more than a week. If you PM me or e-mail me within this period, I will not respond/put up a poll. Be patient and I will give you a response asap. This polling offer is extended to teachers as well. The one poll each rule still applies unless the teachers set up their own blog to conduct polls. (I don't mind. The more the merrier.)

Posted By : Hean Jin (Still serious. Ever since Jan 2006. )

Sunday, November 25, 2007
11/25/2007 02:54:00 AM

sometimes when we met with problems,
don't just go whining over it.
stop complaining on how difficult the thing is,
don't keep saying thing like ' i cannot do it'.

do saying all these helps?
is now the time for u to cry over it??.
or its time for u to stand up and look for a solution to solve it?.
think about it.

when u are facing with a problem,
is it something that will stand in your way?
or is it just something that GOD has made it to test u?
is it something that will slow u down in your journeys,
or is it something that will push u forward more?

don't just step back when u are face with problem.
solve the problem and move forward.
look at things in a different ways.
go out there and see how people do things.
pick up the phone and call someone u can trust.
and sometimes... the answer is just there.

and look around u..
there are so many things..
that u should have spend more times on..
treasure them..

time don't stop and wait for u to finish crying..
time will just carry on moving no matters what happen.
so stop wasting your time on complaining and whining..
do what u should do..
do what is meant for u to do..
don't care whether have u done it well or not..
just tell yourself.. u have done your best..

Saturday, November 24, 2007
11/24/2007 11:02:00 PM

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What has happened to my smily face?
It's gone...
Seriously Askari, I need help.
I am going through alot now.
First, Askari left me....
Now, many things are happening...
So much that, i don't know how to handle all of them.
Someone tell me, Am I a failure?
I'm not trying to atract attn here or something, But, I seriously am going bonkers...
If you guys find me foaming in the mouth, say your last prayers and say bye to me..
I don't know what to do in my life anymore..
I miss those times i could be so happy, prancing around like a monkey...
Now, all i do is to think about stuff which are happening around me everyday, the stuff which is reality, happening to me everyday....
All i can do , is to cry myself to sleep. Cause ... Yeah... It's like this.
Accept the face Joshua, It's meant to be this way.... =[

Therefore, i apologise if the blog is still status quo, someone pls take over the job of making it nicer..
I don't have the confidence to do anything now.
Im a failure...

Night all...

P.s., Distance, is indeed a scary organism.
It has separated me from many people....
Thus, Distance, I HATE YOU !

Friday, November 23, 2007
11/23/2007 03:43:00 PM


It is a scary organism.
It separates friends apart.
It tears family up.
It makes love ones forget their spouses.

It is also a friend in disguise.
It brings together strangers from different nations.
It makes family members realized the importance of each other in their absence.
It makes the heart fonder when our loved ones are away.

Extremely ironical!
I hate the distance that separates, yet I love the distance that brought us closer together.

All 38 children are now distance apart from one another.
Some are physically closer to some than others.

We talked online.
There was no distant between us.
We talked about how life has been to you and me.
We planned for the next gathering.
We gossip about someone who is so close too.
The minute we go offline, distance will bare its ugly claws.

We played basketball together.
There was no distance between us on 23rd Nov 2007 @ 12 pm.
We left the coffee shop after lunch.
Distance starts to manifest itself as we start seeing each other off.

It is an omni-present organism.
It seems to have a life of his own.
It breaths the same air as us.
It lives among the human race.
It is beside you and me.

This is a crazily weird post.
Almost not like the style I am used to be writing.
It is an attempt to write in a different linguistic style.
Or is it an attempt to unmask the emotional side of alf the elf.

alf e elf

Thursday, November 22, 2007
11/22/2007 05:36:00 PM

How is the weather there?
The weather report reads:


I wonder how the weather is affecting you on the other side of the globe.

Jiang puts it in a very subtle manner.
Although we are looking at the same moon, is the moon you are seeing over at your side different from the moon I am accustomed to viewing.

Almost everything remains unchanged here.
The weather is still very much the usual sunny afternoon with occasional breeze.
The morning is still broken by the wake up call of my child.
I am still waking up and be served with a sausage, egg and tea for breakfast.The leaves on the trees will sway with the slightest wind.
The leaves continue to breathe out oxygen after taking in carbon dioxide.
Newton is still recognized as the Father of the Newtonian Laws of Motion.
Both the hour and minute hands of the clock continues to rotate in the clockwise direction.
Someone from the office will call me to remind me that work is undone.
Afternoon comes after morning.
Tea is served with the same variety of biscuit in a saucer.
Sun will set in the evening, signaling the home coming of the office workers.
Night falls and the stars are up.
Normalcy is the daily routine.

Pragmatism spells out that life continues.
Emotionalism screams at the fact you are already missing from my life.

Well, are we still very sure we are looking at the same moon?

alf e elf

Monday, November 19, 2007
11/19/2007 05:01:00 PM

Hello guys !
I am here with photos.
Seriously, today, is the one week anniversary WITHOUT O levels.
I have been enjoying myself.
I seriously apologise for my MIA-ing from our class blog since Wed.
Cause i went out to many places.
Joshuatan is deprived.
Spent lotsa time with my LatioClub members!!
Went karaoke and eating, and convoying in the cars,yups.

I have the pictures now.
These pics, are the impt ones. The rest, are either replicas or non important ones.
Please enjoy them

DJ ah, ur cleavage not nice, dun need to show de. WAHAH
Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

What's with Greentea and garlic bread?

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

Yeah yeah, handsome meh? LOL.

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

Chia-ed ! Hello!

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

Adam ah, your face small enough le, don't need to PEACE! to block your face. Muahaha

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

Whose fatter? Me or chia?

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

Hello kenneths' head.

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

Pamela and Ming.
Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

Hi Jeremy!
Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

2A.05ians and our beloved 2005 form teacher. Mr Ong we love you !

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

What's with chao ta satay?
Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

You all trying to make use of my BEAUTIFUL house as backdrop ah? Wahaha! Joking nia.

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

the milky and pamela.
Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

All smelling the BBQ fumes!

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

No one would want to shake hands with you man chairman!

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

High 10 !
Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

Yes cynpo, ur short. =] MUAHAH

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

The smartpeople.

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

Hello Ice!
We miss you !

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

Overall, I don't mind another bbq like this.
I miss you guys badly.
I missed those times when we had PE and ran around the hall like small little kids.
Seriously, If i could turn back in time, i would turn back all the way till sec 3, term one.
That's when Askari is formed.
I miss you guys
I miss everything about Askari.
I miss the classroom
I miss the people
I miss DAD
I miss the iconic chairman
I miss the many people who are the jokers
I miss the emo people
I miss my table partners
I miss everyone.

Overall, I miss Askari BADLY.

God, give me a chance to go back in time. Please.



11/19/2007 03:29:00 AM

in the mid of the nite.. when there are nothing to do... i will sometimes look through the photos i have in my computer...
which photos??. of cos those that bring back the memories of askari...

was look through the pictures. and i come across these few photos...

this one when chia'ed is teaching them Amaths

this one when yanming and ting li is trying to solve the question

this one when cynthia is doing her work halfway

and lastly this one when yanming is holding her Amaths TYS taking photo with cynthia

whats with these photos??...
yea u are rite..u see... these photos are not taken long ago..
during that time.. we are all still working hard for our amaths..
our O's...

but look at now... O's is over...
fuxiao had went back to china..
cynthia had fly off..
ice is back with her family..

time fly..its just a blink of eyes and now we are free from our school work..
but had any of u all miss those days that we had together??.
the fun that we had in class???
the stupid jokes that we crack during lesson time??..
well... i miss them alot...

its onli two weeks when we have finish our O's..
but seriously.. to me.. it seems like a month...
life without a goal is boring...
or should i say that life without askari suks??..

i dont know what to say... just feel like telling anyone who is reading this post that..
i miss all the askari badly...i miss my teachers... i miss our DAD..

how i wish that i can control time... and the first thing i will do is to bring myself back to the time..
when askari is still sitting down in the class.. listening to lesson..
i dont mind going through those lesson once more..
i dont mind taking O's once more..
i dont mind getting scolded by teachers once more..
all i hope is to feel askari once more...

but i think...
thing had come to a situation that nothing can be done to feel it once more..

some ppl may think that i am crazy...
posting in the mid of the nite..
its like 3.45 am now...
but this shows how much i miss my friends..

dont know how many of u all will be reading this..
well... dont realli need anyone to read this...
just wanna share my feeling at this point of time to ppl who will read my post..

thank you..

Sunday, November 18, 2007
11/18/2007 12:50:00 AM

alrite all... tonite is spacial nite..
tonite will be a last nite to someone from askari..


cos one of our askari will be leaving us back to her real family..
we dont wish to see her go..
but we have no choice..
we onli can wish her all the best in whatever she do..
and remb us..
cos we will remb u .. and we will miss u alot..

the days with u in 4A...
we have alot of laughter..
we have alot of fun..

the day of graduation,
u cried..
when u cry.. it make us feel as thought that its my family member crying..
when u cry... it make me feel like crying too

knowing that u are leaving us back to ur homeland earlier in the year..
at first.. the feeling wasnt that strong..
but as time pass by and reaches the end of year..
when u once again tell us that u are going back for permanent ..
the feeling is different now.. this feeling is like a family member of mine leaving me..
i hate this feeling.. but what can i do??.. they are still ur real family..
we have no rite to stop u...

now that tonite is the last nite u spent here in singapore..
the whole askari here wish u all the best...

in the nite when u feel lonely.. dont be sad..
look up into the sky
look at the moon
and before u know ,
i am looking at the same moon too..
it doesnt matter where we are...
what it matters is that we have askari in our heart..

once again...
to our beloved Pattraporn Borwornudomwong aka ice..
we will miss u alot when u are not here...
u will always be part of askari no matter where u are..
no matter how difficult ur name is spelled...
we will still spell it out big when we talk about askari..

with lots of love...
(when can we see ur smile face to face again??)

Saturday, November 17, 2007
11/17/2007 08:27:00 PM

Hmm... I see no one have been posting.

So allow me to take advantage of this situation to post and inform you all that new polls to continue bugging the Askaris are up. Of course, this means that there is one poll that really of concern to us so do vote. Btw, looks like Joshua ain't going to do what he said he would. (Joshua don't read this!)

Bye for now ^^ Polls that way ------------------------------->

Posted By : Hean Jin (Still here I guess)

Sunday, November 11, 2007
11/11/2007 05:11:00 PM



TIMEl 4PM AT Joshua's place
Pay 10 bucks.

those sitting for papers tmr, pass 10 bucks to me either b4 or after the papers.
For the 8 free warriors, pass the money to me when you come.
The deliveryman needs the money in CASH.
I expect 29 of you to pass the money to me. If not, very hard to account for the money.
Study hard!!

Friday, November 9, 2007
11/09/2007 01:37:00 AM

alrite man... everything bout the post b4 are wrong..
so look at this post ....

venue: joshua house
reporting time:3.30 hope all of u can be there le..
will start tthe BBQ earlier..AT 4..

we will be expecting a guest...
wan to know who??.. come on that day..

ppl taking phys and chem paper one on monday..
pls bring $10 and pass it to joshua .

for the 8 free warrior ...
pls bring it on the 13 itself and pass it to joshua..

rite... so lets wait for that day to come now... hahaz...

Wednesday, November 7, 2007
11/07/2007 10:06:00 PM

I said! Its too late to apologize!!
Tooooo late to apologize!

Lyrics from Timbaland, shock value.

Today, morning, was great eh!
Sorry ah Jiang, lix and someone, i bought the wrong food. Paiseh.
Rainy day, nice to sleep in.

the rest of the 31, WORK HARD! i know its tempting to let all loose, but hold on.... still got 5 days! =]

Jia you !

Time to be confirmed for the 13th gathering!!
Going airport now for ice cream! Ciaos!

11/07/2007 12:24:00 AM

8 left us today
31 left now
but 30 will leave officially too on the 12Nov

nothing much left to say.
DAD. don't be sad.
we are serious.
u are never alone.
cause askari always live.

its boring everyday without seeing askarian.
its boring everyday without seeing DAD in the morning.
its boring everyday to be alone at home thinking of askari.
will miss askari.

the 8 who have made it to the end.
it's time to enjoy.
forget everything and enjoy your life.
the rest if the 31 will be happy for u all.

and for the 30 who are taking paper on Monday.
good luck and all the best.
its our last paper.

and for the one and only DAD.
we will miss u most.

Tuesday, November 6, 2007
11/06/2007 11:50:00 PM

Dad, you have not lost 8 children.
We will never leave you.
Today marks the day, the 8 of them officially do not call you Mr Peh anymore, as they have finished their O's.
Reminiscing the times, I really treasure Askari loads.
Especially those 8, they were the one who made Askari Eden full of laughter.

Yanming, you were the one would laugh, anytime. Spontaneously.. whenever JiaMin, Tingli, or Jiang said something funny, i can hear your laughter, from afar.
Seriously, w/o you, Askari won't be as bubbly yea?
So, enjoy yourself fully now yeah?

Felix, he was the one that would laugh at the lamest jokes. Seriously, he never fails to make me turn round during lessons, to see his face, cringing, and laughing like there's no tomorrow. Seriously Felix, you make me laugh. Haha.. Meow meow
Enjoy your holidays now!

JingKai! Omg. Chao High class Ah beng! Cool man.... Stay cool always! Don't know what to say, but w.o you in 4A, we are not complete =]

Sisuo, even though i don't know you well, but stay happy and cool always! Jia you and erase all the Sec sch work yea? ENJOY!

Jia min, You rock ! Make me laugh sometimes. I know you don't like me to sit on ur chair last time, but sorry lah. I don't know man. =] The road is over now, enjoy the light at the end!

Samantha! Eh you nuclear bomb ah... Plasma cannon ball.. woo.. rmb 2a'05 used to call u that? Anyhoos.. All the best in your FUN, during the hols... stay randy always!

MunPing! My Pgraphy friend! Eh holiday must go take more photos hor! If not ah.. Mr See's camera, no justice done to it liao=]

You emo kid! Stay with the emo ppl always yeah?
We treasure u always! You are a Gem!
Daddy always finds you when ur offline.... See how much he misses ALWAYS_TREASURE?
Take care!!

To the rest of Askari, let's just hold on till next Monday, after which , we would let down all our hair, no matter rebonded, or curly, or rough, or smooth, or cut by HAIRSTYLISTS/BARBER. Just let all down!
Tuesday is the day, where ALL kids of Askari, get tgt, chill and RELAX.
BBQ till night time.


Those coming, take note of directions.
I would be staying home to receive the food from the wholesaler, at the same time, hope i can go out to ChompChomp to lead some lost souls into my estate!


Those coming from School

1) Take 53 to Serangoon Station
2) Cross the road/ Go INTO the bus terminal to take Bus number 317. Take 317 all the way to Serangoon Gardens estate, the famous ChompChomp.
DO NOT alight at CC, but, stay in the bus, and let the bus take you INTO the estate. From the main bus stop at ChompChomp, Count 5 Bus Stops and alight. ( Not including the MAIN bus stop)
5th bus stop, You should see a row of houses to your right, and a deserted school building on your left. You should pass a Tennis court, before alighting.
3) After alighting, walk BACKWARDS, and find No. 56.

My address, 56 Burghley Drive.

For those taking whatever bus to ChompChomp, just follow instructions as above. Jus that you take 317 from the chompchomp bus stop.

For those driving, aiyah, Chia-ed, i will call him myself.
Hope directions quite clear. Phone will be on. Just call me. =]

Yeah. DOn't know what to say le. But, well... i have to go now. My phone's a little screwed. Yeah. So.. TATAS!

11/06/2007 04:23:00 PM

I lost 8 today.

The 8 who have made the Family of Askari complete.
The 8 who have made the Askari’s Eden uniquely different from other classrooms.
The 8 who have never gave up in their pursuit for greatness.
The 8 whom I have forsaken in the final lap before the exams.
The 8 whom I wished I had more time to spend with them.
The 8 whom I failed as a DAD.
The 8 who did not bear grudges against DAD for abandoning them.
The 8 who did not doubt the support from the Askari GEN 1.
The 8 who did not disappoint DAD.

I salute the 8.

Now that the 8 are gone,

DAD will mourn at the loss.
DAD will drop tears again.

For DAD knows this departure is for real.

No more do we meet.
No more do we laugh at the lamest joke.
No more do we cry over the most heart-breaking sorrow
No more do we support each other in times of hardship.
No more do we lend our shoulders to each other in times of need.
No more do we gain strength in unity when we don the orange tee.
No more do we shout in one voice and sing in unison.
No more do we breathe in one breath.

I will miss you.
I know I will miss you.
Because as I type,
The faces of these 8 are replaying in my mind.

Slowly and painfully,
The faces are each telling a story.
The faces are the faces of my children.

Again, it makes me want to cry.
Again, it makes departure so saddening.
Again, it haunts me badly.

As the 8 stepped out of the gates today,
Forget all the bad memories you experienced of these 4 yrs.
Because in Askari, you have found the warmth of a family.
In Askari, you have learnt how to receive love.
In Askari, you have learnt how to give love as well.
alf the elf


Yuying Secondary School
Askaris' Eden
We love DAD
Askari Forever!

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