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Sunday, December 30, 2007
12/30/2007 09:34:00 AM

It's like the eve of New Years' Eve...
How many of you are thinking about doing 2008 resolutions?
For me, I am going to do mine tomorrow.

2007 and 2006 has been 2 really great years, cause I have knew Askari.
Askari was born in 2006.
2007 was the year that Askari bonded so much
2007 was also a year where Askari took our O levels
2007 was also a year where we graduated from Yuying
2007 was also a year where you see Joshua cry so badly * lol*
2007 was also a year where Askari realised we missed each other so much
2007 was also a year, where Alvin Peh transformed from Physics teacher to Form teacher to Dad, to Alf, to Daddy... Someone who became Askaris' pillar of strength.

How wouls 2008 be?
2008 would be the year some of us go to JC
2008 would be the year some of us go Poly
2008 would NEVER be the year some of us go ITE. * choi choi*
2008 would be the year that would test how much Askari missed each other.
2008 would be the year we have a new addition to the Askari family, Tiffany!
2008 would be the year, which i hope, would be full of reunions!
2008 would be the year, we all step out and enter into a different stage of our lives.

Guys, Felicia and Chiakai asked when there would be a gathering.
I will open my house on NEW YEARS' DAY itself, so Askari who want to gather,can come and chill out yeah? =]
Drinks and everything FREE FLOW. lol.
I sound like a pub.
If my house too inconvenient, let's meet outside for a drink. =]

I have come to a stage, where Askari is on my mind everyday.
I stare at the pictures that flash past my computer slide show.... Thinking about you guys.
Everyone of you are in my mind, everyday.

God, I pray that those who are starting school on the 2nd of Jan, would be able to adapt to their new school.
I pray that they will know how to slot in into the new environment.
Pray that they will succeed in life, just like, all other Askaris', and do well in their A levels =]

Signing Off,

Tuesday, December 25, 2007
12/25/2007 08:16:00 PM





12/25/2007 02:22:00 PM

Hmm... ok. Link to watch the Christmas animation online.


Link to download it via torrent. (Why would you even do that?)

Remember to play some Christmas songs while watching. (The ones Jiang posted make a good start)

Posted By : Hean Jin (Lots of posting this Christmas)

12/25/2007 02:16:00 PM

haha... ppl.. guess what??.. i spend my xmas eve night swimming..
haha..so off rite??.. but nvm.. this song will accompany u through ur xmas...
so ..hereby wishing all a merry XMAS... haha....


12/25/2007 01:56:00 AM

Merry Christmas and a happy new year to all askarians. I know I am a bit late for this already but later beats never. Anyway, I have sent out an e-mail with a christmas animation to everyone on my MSN list. If any askarian didn't get it and want it, they can pm via MSN or wait for a download link in the very near future. With that, I conclude my post.

Posted By : Hean Jin (Merry Christmas & A Happy New Year yet again)

Monday, December 24, 2007
12/24/2007 08:09:00 PM

today is Christmas Eve.... most of u all should be out for ur count down...
for those who did not go out.. and are viewing the blog...
may this song be with u .. and have a very bless Christmas...
though we might not be in the same class again.. but my wishes go all the way to ur heart...


Sunday, December 23, 2007
12/23/2007 10:59:00 PM

the time we had in class was great
the time we had lesson together was fun
the amount of noise contributed by each and everyone of askari was pleasant
the smile on everyones face make my day
the argument with each other was such a wonderful since

and why so. cos its never gonna happen again.
i finally realize the meaning of ' u will not feel regretted until the times come when u lose it'
this is just the feeling that is in me now.
we use to see each other 5 times a week.
we use to talk to each other at least 6 hour a day.
but thats what we use to do.

its time to treasure every moment u spend with ur love once.
and do realize that the world don't stop moving just because u are not there.
live everyday like the last day.. and do thank you when u are able to wake up.
its fate that bring us together as friends.
and its us whether this friendship will last.
nothing is forever. good things always come to an end.
but lets just try to make the timing a little bit longer.
so that we will have more happy moment togther.

12/23/2007 09:00:00 PM

o man.. its such a lonely night... alone .. doing nothing..
thinking the impossible...
thinking about what had happen.
thinking about what will never happen...

xmas eve is tmr..
everyone should already have something installed rite now.
xmas is on the way..
everyone should already found who they are going out with..

thats good..
how happy a thing is that.....

do anyone every felt lonely before??
have any of u feel so sad before???

it feel so good.. but its not true...
it seems to real.. but its just a dream
it realli fill up my heart.. but thats onli for a moment...


12/23/2007 12:58:00 AM

i went for the band concert... and it was great...
haha.. its long since i last saw them...
and today.. they put up a great performance for all the guest there...
well.. i got nothing much to say.. but to say that they are good...

they combine a song with the peixin primary( if i am not wrong)
and they enjoyed themselves... haha
and yanming got her new life partner.. haha
choo two arhx.. lolz... haha...

afterall.. its enjoyable today.. haha.. all thx to the band .. lolz..


Friday, December 21, 2007
12/21/2007 05:16:00 PM

It's too late to think back
It's too late to really remininse back on our wonderful times spent together as one class.
It's too late to tell everyone we miss each other...
It's too late to really blame anyone for not spending enough time with each other.
It's even too late to apologize.....

Time to me, is one that proves the durability of friendship.
I am glad, that time, has once again proven that some friends are really out there to help and lend a helping hand, and not take advantage of you.
Askari has been there to help me when I was in need.

I was browsing through the pictures that we took on Grad Day.
I really was crying deep down.
THoughts flashed past my mind..
For I was thinking, Why didn't I treasure that much the times we had together?
Time flew past real quick, and soon it was time to say Goodbye.
I must harp on the fact again, that I am still very much attached to Askari.
Even tho so many of us have lost contact, people like Ice, went back to Thailand, But we still are one class arn't we?

Many things have happened.
I do realise that, people do change.
Distance, has alco caused people to lose contact.
For example, I was close with my bunch of 2 good friends.
We did many things together.
We ate together.
But now after school closed, or rather after O's ended, We don't talk when we see each other?
Instead, we have our own lives? I don't get it
But then again,
Distance, I agree, to a very large extent, is a very scary thing.
It can cause me to lose friends, it can cause me to feel lost
It can even cause me to lose my sanity.

That's all.

Wednesday, December 19, 2007
12/19/2007 04:02:00 PM


I saw a photo.
It showed a father and his son.
The son is not so young while the father is too old.

In the photo, you can see no generation gap.
Father was enjoying every moment of his time with the son.
Son was enjoying the company of the father.
It was so heavenly.
They don’t have to say much.
For much is transpired without having to say any word.

The contact between two pairs of eye beneath the glasses.
It doesn’t matter that one pair of glass is a statement of fashion while the other pair borne fond memories of the ancient past.

The touch of the skins.
It is a harmony of the young tender fresh with the old wrinkled skin.
One is smooth, free from the signs of aging.
The other is unsightly, bearing scars from the test of time.

The old hand over the young shoulder.
It is a sight worth reminiscing for the entire life.
It takes great courage for the old hand to go around the shoulder.
It takes great courage for the shoulder to readily accept the caress of the old hand.

It is the joy of fatherhood.
It is the best gift a DAD can give to his CHILD.

It is the acceptance of a SON.
It is the best assurance a CHILD can give to his DAD.

I will trade anything for a scene like this
Would you?

Thursday, December 13, 2007
12/13/2007 05:22:00 PM

Hello! Here's an interesting read from a Book ( Basic Instructions Before Leaving Earth ) :

"Meaningless!Meaningless!" says the Teacher, "Utterly meaningless! Everything is meaningless!"
What does man gain from all his labor at which he toils under the sun?
Generations come generations go, but the Earth remains forever.
The Sun rises and the sun sets, and hurries but to where he rises...

(Skipping a few lines..)

What has been will be again,
what has been done will be done again;
there is nothing new under the sun.
Is there anything of which one can say,"Look! This is something new"?
It was here already, long ago;
it was here before our time.

Does this extraction strike you? Is it speaking to you? Don't you find that life is meaningless and boring just like moving in a never ending circle?

"What has been will be again,

what has been done will be done again;
there is nothing new under the sun."

For those who are working, don't you feel that it is so meaningless, just like a chasing after the wind?
People come and people go, isn't it meaningless? Why do people work so hard, just to die and leave their treasures on the face of the earth?

Isn't it so unsatisfying? Isn't life all too boring?


Okay, let's ask ourselves this simple and important question: What is our purpose here on Earth?

Difficult question eh?

Definitely not here to play computer games, study, work or spend money. First, you can see that these stuffs are made by humans. Second, how can our purpose be something that we created, something that was made before humans were formed? In fact, the purpose of, perhaps the computer, was to help and aid us. Take another example - money. Money was formed by humans for trading purposes. Right now, we can see the co-relation between the time it is was formed and its purpose.

So the crux to answering our purpose in life is to know who formed us and live for that person or be useful to him.

Then, Who formed us?

I'll leave it to you to answer this question.

Hish um ble ser va ntjo el

12/13/2007 10:40:00 AM

Well, I am back from NZ.
I have got some pictures to share with you guys yea?

Frankly i have emo stuff to share, but well, let that be another time.
I shall share my trip and my experiences only yea? =]

i kinda won't go by day lah
It's difficult.
But in short, i have some photos and i will further elaborate on it yea?

NZ overall, is very very NATURAL.
What i mean, is that, the people there, let nature control them
Nature moves mountains, glaciers and other stuff around.
They build and adapt according to Nature, not like spore, ALTER the natural landscape. * tsk tsk*

Glaciers are big big humongous mountains made of snow and ice =]
I went to the Fox glacier. which is getting dirtier and dirtier by the day.
Interesting fact abt glaciers is that, they move everyday. Closer and closer to sea level.

Fox Glacier, with me in the foreground

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Talking about Ice, when we reached Christchurch, from Auckland, the first stop was this Antarctic Centre.
Scientists from America and Australia work from this place.
There's this COLD ROOM, which imitates strong winds, and storms at the South Pole in Antarctica.
I went in to experience a 5 minute 'storm' and i tell you, i was impressed.
Kinda amazed my N95 and my DSLR camera survived -18 deg c.

The temp

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In the igloo like structure... man made tho..

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During the 10 days, we traversed mountains, and visited lakes. Peh shall tell you more. He knows the names more than I do...
Names ranging from Lake Wakatipu to Lake Te'ana...
So many lakes.

One of the many snow capped mountains i saw

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See the water in this river?
This is the meltdown from the ice on top of the mountains. The water is freezing cold at 10 deg, and it is TOTALLY CLEAN. and sweet.
In spore we pay so much to drink a bottle of spring water, there? i got it free. I refilled the bottle so many times. Just wash ur face from the river...
Use the water there to drink also. It's SWEET.omg.

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Lake Wakatipu
Beautiful Cloud cover at 6.20 am in the morning...
the fog... the water vapour... all causes the foggy effect= ]

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Also, at the south island, i went for this Jet Boat ride, damn cool.
The silly ang mo drove the boat, like he was Jay chou doing initial D.. seriously, he drifted on water, damn cool. But i was WET ... but the water,was cold... hoo!!

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This pic is taken at the most farthest tip of the south island, overlooking the Pacific Ocean. The water is so calm.. phew.. loved it !

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This waterfall, is simply beautiful.
We were taking a cruise at Milford Sound and that place was beautiful !
The water was so clear....
everything there is natural. The people there, working there, alter to the landscape... they let nature control them.

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2nd last day, we took this Tranzscenic ride from Arthur's Pass all the way to Christchurch. Journey was 2 hours. Man, the train station was old and really romantic.... I could stand there with her for hours w/o feeling tired.. omg. OT OT ! back to topic.

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Me after the train ride... in Christchurch.

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Sunday, December 9, 2007
12/09/2007 11:47:00 PM

Well, earlier today I posted saying about some changes to the right but I forgot to click Save Template and oh well, nothing changed. And dang it, what I said came true. Refer to my previous post if interested to know what I mean.

Posted By : Hean Jin

12/09/2007 11:41:00 PM

2 years back .. i took a look at the 3A class list, i only say a few of my friends name in there. i was sad.i take a look at the 3b class list too. and i find that 3b is a much better class to be in. but it was already too late.
i look through again to see who else is in the same class. and i say jing kai name in it.( kai.. dont feel sad.. i am going to say something that u change in me) myfeeling get worst. i was thinking at that moment, a gangster in the class??.. with his gang of friends in there too??.. cos i dont know him well.. so i thought that he is those gangster type.i am sad... real sad...

when up to sec 3A.. saw a lot of new faces in the class. and a new teacher standing beside us.. didnt know who was him at first... but later than we know that he is our form teacher of the year. He is weird. a real weird teacher.. one who will talk to himself... or sing aloud with his mp3 player in the ear when the class is having test.. or take a bread out from his treasure pocket, where he also can take our marker and alot of thing..but he teaches us how to love, how to touch lives, how to care for other. and alot of others things that u can never learn from textbook. he wont insist that u finish his chemistry, but he will insist that u finish is CME .. hahaz weird... rite? and its from him.. i learn that my friends around me are actually very good. and jing kai is not that bad as i know. but instead, he is a great person. we became good friend( i guess).

and very soon ,we finish our end of year exam..form teacher are changing school. cos he say that the culture in this school is bad. and he leave us telling us that we have 6 ppl from the class that will retain. we are shock. although we are not that close than.. but we wont want to see any of us retaining.
and very soon. jing kai left me a comment .. and it goes this way

yo jiang ge ! lol . a testi 4 u . casue i next year might nt b in 3a le so last moment 2 tel u something . haha . oso nv write 4 u testi b4 . 1 year le i think b wif u tis guy in the same class is quite a fun thing . lol . laughting everyday . next time we can go b liang jia bian de memeber le .haha . hao le i oso nt 2 write le go play game le . bb .tc .free write testi 4 mi 2 . ty . (:

brother always`06

i am sad when i saw this, and i am very sori for how i think of jing kai when i was in sec two.. so i would like to take this opp to say sori to jing kai...i am realli very sori my brother..

but after we got our result. we actually all get promoted to sec 4A.. we are all happy. but our form teacher are leaving us.. so we are once again sad.

along with the fact that he is leaving, we step into the school in 2007 as a student of sec 4A. and this time the one who take over us was our phys teacher in sec 3. we are happy. cos at least that he is someone whom we are familiar with...
at first only think that he is one normal teacher that we have in school..but we are wrong.. he is a emo being. he is not afraid of showing his emotional side of us.. we call him DAD.. and he treated us like his children..
he is a father of 1.. soon of 2..but a DAD of 38..he is not as weird as our sec 4 form teacher but he is also teacher us to love.. he love us.. and we love him.. he is just like a dad to us..
and we had our wonderful 2007s together.. day after day.. and we had our graduation day.. we took the graduation file from DAD.
we cried together , we laugh together, and we had fun together and we took photo together..
but we still have to say goodbye to all the good things..
always after each o lvl paper. DAD will be outside the hall waiting for us..he sit there and wait to share the joy together.. but soon o lvl is finish.. and now we are all around the world..

just miss all my friends

12/09/2007 10:05:00 PM

its always only until thenight.. than i will start to think of all the happy memories that we had together.today i miss so many ppl.. all my friends.tmr i have to work. but how i hope that i will not have to go to work.. but instead to school to have lesson.. to have phys... chem... engs...... anything... but just have one more time where askari can sit down together as a class.. and as a class.. we study together... towards a common goal...

but now, i think everything is impossible. cos we have some of the askari is having their holiday oversea. and some are going back permanently and will not be coming back...

i am now having a mix feeling.. a mixture of happy, sad, lonely and lost.

hope that everyone out there are doing fine.. everything is smooth going for all of u
takecare everyone..

12/09/2007 04:08:00 PM

As anyone here should be able to see, some very minor changes to the area above Cbox. With nothing more to say, for those who have not voted, vote. Btw, why does it seem like every time I post, it prompts someone else to post not too long after that?

Posted By : Hean Jin (?!?!?)

Monday, December 3, 2007
12/03/2007 03:32:00 AM

alrite.. look at the calender...
today is the 3 nov...
looking back...
some of us ended our o's on the 6th of nov..
some on the 12 of nov..
and we had our bbq on the 13..
look at ur calender.. it is onli 3 weeks away..
but it seems to be so long since i last since my fellow friends.
the world seems to move so slow without askari
time seems to move slower than before when i am alone.
everyday is so boring without askari
and everyone are busy with their own things.
its been long since we last talk on msn.
and it has been long since i last saw my friends..
this feeling is terrible..
some are overseas.
some are working.
some are slacking..
this world is getting boring.
i am tired of living in this world.
after o's.
life seems to have no goal.
i dont know what i am looking forward for.
everything seems to stop moving.
nvm.. i guess this is life..

thank you


Yuying Secondary School
Askaris' Eden
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