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Tuesday, January 29, 2008
1/29/2008 04:56:00 PM

Alright. If you look below the C-Box Area now, there is one link. I will need you guys who want to be listed to send me your blog's URL and the nick/name that you want to have displayed along with it. Joshua sent me a copy of the old blog's template but I can't find it so all those who were previously on the blog is also gone. (Joshua, please resend.) But if you don't want to wait for him, just send me your blog's URL and nick/name if you don't see it under the links still.

Posted By : Hean Jin

Thursday, January 24, 2008
1/24/2008 05:46:00 PM

Askari !
First and foremost.... Congratulations to those who have done well....
Congratulations also to those who didn't do so well, but did well enough!
Congratulations to those, who didn't do well......
In short, Congratulations to EVERYONE!

You know why ?
Cause we have gone through the whole O levels as ONE class....
We have gone through 2 years together.. as one united body! =]
That's what matters...

I know, right now... there are some of us, who missed by that few pts, or even one point....
There are also some of us, who have done well enough to stay in JC...
Also some of us, who have done extremely well, to go to a JC....

Whatever it is, The Askari Spirit still lives in all of us....

But let me tell you this..
For every Askarian who cried today... DAD cried the most....
I can tell....
For every Askarian that cried today.. DAD cried, because which DAD doesn't want their children to do well?

But well, It's over...

Nothing can be done to change the marks.
We have to live live according to how we have fared.....

To Yanming,
You were the first person who cried ....
It's okay.
English is NOT everything....
You have done well for others yeah ?
So.... pursue the Poly course you wish to go to..and Jia You!

To Felicia, TianJiao, BeeChin,
You are the 3 superwomans' of Askari...
Even though you lost the battle to Damien,
We are still proud of you!
We love you as much still !
We are still Askarians' forever right ?

Whatever it is, Jia you !

To Kenneth
Even tho you didn't get your DPA successfully, Jia you !
There are other courses which you can pursue... =]
Jia You ! Askari behind you always !

To Sihui
Even tho you didn't do that well for EL.. But... I want you to know. EL is not everything....
NY still would want you... Go back to them, and explain to them....

Jia You!

To the rest, whom I did not know anything.....
Jia you.. No matter how many pts you guys have gotten,
Askari loves you always !

We will forever be ONE class. ONE heart beating.. and ONE united group of children, for our DAD.

We will always be behind you...
Askari loves you alot !
We are sorry if we have not performed the way you wanted us to perform.. especially me...

Whatever it is, Remain as our most wonderful FT, most wonderful Dad, and most wonderful Physics teacher FOREVER!


With that,

1/24/2008 05:41:00 PM

That's it! We have done it. Through the O levels and passed the results release, the askarians have been through it all. There was plenty of laughing and crying after the results were given out (Even before the results were given out) , but overall, the askari has turned out just fine. While the end of the O is here and the start of the JAE is out for most, the polls that have bugged us through the years are not over yet. So it about 30 minutes after this post, feel free to drop by www.poll-center.blogspot.com and vote for the choice that suits you the most in the poll. In other news, the blog template will be going through some changes so there will be more stuff around here for you to hang about for as well as music. (As soon as I find time to get around to doing it) With that, I wrap up this post. Hopefully, shortly after this, another askari will drop by this place and post something emo. (To all of the askari : Posting emo stuff on this blog about the O and the last two years should be done within a week after today. XD)

Posted By : Hean Jin

1/24/2008 12:33:00 AM

Well, in accordance to the update of the previous post, the result are released today, in 14 hours of when this post was made. As mentioned earlier, there will be a poll (One you all might dread or like) made by the end of today, which means we would have gotten our results by then and are either rejoicing or taking the plunge (The plunge into alcohol or soft drinks if you can't get alcohol. Not off a building of course) . I had wanted to put up something about the music playlist on this blog but thought against it. So that's it for this post. However, if any of you have any songs you like and it is hosted on a website where you have it's full url, send me the link so that we can get this started. Wishing the askarians the fate of the most optimistic results we can get, it is the official end of this post from me.

Posted By : Hean Jin (Late nights have never been easier)

Friday, January 18, 2008
1/18/2008 08:18:00 PM

*Ahem* In this post, I woould like to cover a few things. Firstly, there is no music on the blog yet(You know why.) Maybe I will put back the old song after all. Secondly, O level results will be released next week.

25th, It believe.

And with that, this post is done. Btw, incoming poll on the day of the results release.

Edit : It is on the 24th. Which also means it is but hours away from the result result. Good luck to those who wants it. Good job for those who are confident. For those who are confident in doing poorly and do not care, you are on your own.

Posted By : Hean Jin

1/18/2008 04:11:00 PM

I have half day off... Emo post beginning....Heh...... Not exactly emo. But memories..

Remember this picture??


It brings back memories don't they ?
Tingli, the once quiet girl in 3A, became the once noisy girl in 4A.....
Funny eh?

Remember this ?


I miss the jokers.. They were the ones who brought laughter, jokes, and life to the class.... As if the iconic chairman wasn't enough, they added more life !

Remember this ?


And this ?


And this ?


Sometimes, we are all very busy with our lives and our work.. But have we really stopped everything, and just think, I miss Askari.
Askari... Anyone still remember how this word came out?

It came about because DAD wanted us to be warriors, to fight.. If Im not wrong, Askari means warrior in another language.. was it latin or portugest.. whatever it is...

Im listening to this song, called To Where You Are....

Who can say for certain..
Maybe you're still here
I feel you ard me
Your memory so clear...

Deep in the stillness
I can hear you speak
You're sitll an inspiration can it be?

That you are mine... Forever love...
U're watching over me from up above

Fly me up to where you are , beyond the distant star
I wish upon tonight
to see you smile.
If only for awhile to kno you are there
a breath away is not far to where you are

Are you gently sleeping
Here inside my dream.

As my heart holds you,
Just one beat away....
I cherish all you give me...

Cause You're mine...
Forever love,
watching me, from up above...
And I'll believe that angels breathe..
And that love will bve more then never leave

Fly ... Me up to where you are, beyond the distant star...
I wish upon tonight... to see you smile.....
If only for ahwile to know you're there....
A breathe aways' not far from where you are...

A breathe aways' not far to wherre you are...

Tears are flowing down my face now...
Everything.. ranging from lessons. to PE lessons, to outings to NYP, SP, TP, everywhere..
Even going for assembly, Askari always take our own sweet time... talk... But isnt' that where the bonding is ?

Bonding, is most impt in friendship... Yeah.
If not, how do you further understand your friends.. let alone know what is happening to them, at a certain stage of their lives?

Well... Time flies... and Askari had to leave Eden eventually..
It's now up to the individual 39 of us, to keep in touch... amongst ourselves...

Gatherings? I hope so...

Friday, January 11, 2008
1/11/2008 11:35:00 PM

Ok. Let's see. Difference in the number of songs we have from yesterday till today. Zero. Things are looking grim for now. So that's all this post is about. I will continue about this next week. Inregardless of changes unless we really hit a full playlist.

Posted By : Hean Jin (I can't find music. Music finds me. lol)

Thursday, January 10, 2008
1/10/2008 10:39:00 PM

Ok. It is official now. I killed the music that would play everytime this page even loads. But in exchange, we are going to have our own music player soon. However, this will require the teamwork of Askarians (Whatever's left of it). If you have any songs uploaded to a wesite and they are mp3 format, please send me the link. Basically what songs and how many is completely dependant on how many links are sent to me and how long I take to upload the playlist. By the way, not more than a total 20 songs first. So if the playlist hits 20, I will post on the blog again. If it doesn't and remain zero, no music player. That's obvious enough.

Posted By : Hean Jin (The music had the effect of me not wanting to visit the class blog)

Tuesday, January 8, 2008
1/08/2008 10:34:00 PM

What if someone said , when asked, he doesn't miss Askari?
What would be the first thing that comes to your mind?

What if one day, no more Askarian remembers Askari?
Would that be the end of the world?

To me, Yes!
Askari was the class that gave me the most happiness in Yuying

One sentence " I don't miss yuying bah, I don't miss askari that much.. Hey uncle, I got school now okay.... Where got time to miss askari and dad? "

This sentence, not only pained me.. But It set me thinking... Is this person the only one with this thought?

What if, there are a few more out there, who doesn't have Askari in their minds anymore?
That would be very sad.

To me, I won't let ASkari slip out of my mind anyday....
Askari stays in my mind...
I miss the classroom setting
I miss the lessons
I miss the times...

COme on.. I won't go on saying I miss this I miss that, You guys know !!

Sadly, One person, whom I know, and I have already found out, doesn't miss Askari like before...
Is this the hard fact of life ?

Think about it eh?


Monday, January 7, 2008
1/07/2008 01:51:00 AM

Somewhere out there.. Beneath the light..
Someone's thinking of me, and loving me tonight

Somewhere out there, someone's saying a prayer..

I believe.. right now, a certain Askari, is thinking of another Askarian..
Not just one, but everyone......

What has happened to the crazy wacky Askari?
What has happened to the crazy Iconic chairman? We used to hear his voice everyday
What has happened to the Jingkai, Aaron, Bentoh group? We miss them !!

Askari will NEVER sit together as ONE class anymore...
Askari will NEVER sit together in Yuying's canteen to sit down and eat le.
Askari will NEVER sit down in the Maths room to have maths lesson
Askari will NEVER sit down in chem lab, and shout, TIAN JIE! CHEMISTRY !
Askari will NEVER play badminton in SCHOOL HALL as one, and have so much fun!
Askari will NEVER have debating sessions with Mrs Ravi .... Rmb Aaron and Mrs Ravi?
Askari will NEVER sit down to have lessons with Chia-ed!
Askari will NEVER sit down to have PHYSICS lesson with DADDY.
Askari will NEVER sit down in the hall, and sing Marikita for Morning assembly

There are so many Askari NEVERS'
I won't continue
There are so many things to say

Imlistening to this song now.
It's called Bleedin by some singer..
It may be sung by someone who is like, lovelorn, but Im listening to it, on the pretext of MISSING ASKARI.
I miss Askari !

I can only rmb some lyrics

I don't care what they say
I'm in love with you
they tried to pll me away
but they don't know the truth
My heart's crippled by the faith
You cut me open now

Keep bleedin.. keep keep bleedin.... ( X4)
You cut me open....

Tried very hard not to hear what they talked so loud

But nothigns greater than your company

But i don't care what they say
im' love with u
they tried to pull me away
but they dont know the truth
my heart's crippled by the vein i keep on closing
You cut me open

and i'll
keep bleedin.. keep keeo bleeding!!!

I don't wish to go on guys

It hurts
I cried..

Joshua will never get the chance to sit down with Askari in the EDEn already

Joshua will never get the chance to be lame and retarded in the science lab with murphy and fadzhan

Joshua will never get the chance to smile and camwhore with Jiang next to the Alexteoh's fan

Joshua will never get the chance to sleep in class, and get woken up by my fellow family

Joshua will never get the chance to have physics lessons in class with alvin

Joshua will never get the chance to..... oH man.... tears are flowing down...


I can't sleep

Askari, You live in my heart forever !
I love you guys, and you guys will never be forgotten !
No matter how far we are, we are stil ONE.
One family, one breathe, one life, most importantly, ONE DADDY!


Sunday, January 6, 2008
1/06/2008 08:32:00 PM

time is moving fast... faster than how it normally does... i still can remember the moment i walk in the school alone for my sec one registration.. and now.. i am already out of the school... isn't that fast???... i think it is..

i still remember the moment i first get in contact with my fellow classmate in askari when i was is sec 3..we know each other... and yea.. believe me.. we ONLY KNOW each other..but as the time pass.. and we had our happy and sad moment together.. we learn to know each other from deep down our heart...
and when i step into the same old classroom during the first day of my sec 4 life... i knew it was a different feeling... the feeling is... is... like going back to somewhere i am very familiar with... a place.. where i know everyone strength and weakness..a place... where there are no stranger...a HOME... some call it..

but this HOME is now gone... the home i always felt that i belong to is no longer to be found... time has taken it away from me.. from all of us who belong to askari..

dont know how long will it be to the next time we meet and talk like how we use to do it... but... we all know that there are always someone out there for cares for us.. and thats everyone from askari....

Wednesday, January 2, 2008
1/02/2008 01:06:00 AM

Ok. Joshua changed the blog skin on 1st January and I decided that no, something was wrong here. And so, changes (Very slight) have been made to the blog skin code by me. I also remember the other thing I wanted to do for this blog. Put in a proper music player. Not going to happen for a while for various reasons and I will not go into them today. So, you should still be able to hear the new background music that came with this new blog skin (I wanted to kill the music, seriously.) . A lot of changes will have to be made to this new skin. Meanwhile, give your comments and opinions about the new blog skin. I will not going into anymore changes until we have finalised that we are keeping this new skin (There might be a poll about this. If you all really want one.) . On a side note, you will notice that any linking to other blogs are now below the Cbox and have not been updated. The events section is also gone (Now is the time to ask this question. "Joshua, did you save the previous blog skin code somewhere?"(Did we even need it?)) . With that, I conclude this post.

Changes to the blog. (For now)

New skin.
Blog links gone.
Event section gone.
Cheesy new picture.
Any post now look awfully cramped.
See for yourself.

Posted By : Hean Jin (What?)

Tuesday, January 1, 2008
1/01/2008 12:13:00 AM

Happy New Year to all askarians and those who read this blog. With 2008 here, I hope that everyone already have their own New Year resolution(s). I won't start talking about my own so to start this year will be the promised changes around this blog. I believe that this blog skin will be changed soon (Joshua is rushing on this one(Rush what?)), I will get about to putting something on this blog to make it have more life and other changes in which I have no idea what they will be. Since I am also taking up the first post of the new year for this blog, I wish to start this pledge which is to keep this blog alive for all askarians and related. Join this pledge by tagging in the Cbox and even better, posting. With that, I wrap up this post. Happy New Year to all once more.

Posted By : Hean Jin


Yuying Secondary School
Askaris' Eden
We love DAD
Askari Forever!

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