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Saturday, March 29, 2008
3/29/2008 12:51:00 AM

i have my own blog too.. but... when it comes to emo posting.. i still choose to blog here.. cos.. this is the place.. where we shared the same story together...ha..
if we were to talk about missing our friends from askari, i guess there is no other place better then here.. the 4Askari's blog.. haha.
today was speech day, went back to school. and saw alot of familiar faces.. from those who were onces in 4A, to those who were in other class. dont know why. there is this feeling.. a feeling that i dont know how to put it in words, but i just know that its heartwarming..

saw peh in his smart uniform. but just didnt get a chance to speak to him longer, cos the parade is starting.but i guess DAD, thats enough isn't it??.. seeing ur children back in school once again...
u cant hind. cos i see it all from the smile on ur face.
and over the phone.. u sounds happen too.. although we didn't get a chance to talk much or even to take photo like what u say... ha.. we understand la.. u are now a father of two.. u have ur family.. wahhaa..

saw chia'ed, saw desmond..saw peh.. its like one big family gathering together again.. although its just a 5 mins talk we had at the staircase, but it is enough.. isn't it??.. we know that deep in each of our hearts, we still love each other..

and mrs ravi.. finally see and talk to u ... ha.. glad to hear that ur back is getting better.. haha.. do takecare alot.. cos .. not onli the student in yuying needs u .. ur two cute little darling needs u too..

Pamela...i can see u smile today.. and its like finally.. haha.. yes u are busy.. busy with band.. and band make u smile huh??.. lo.z.. but who cares??.. as long as u are happy.. everyone in askari will be happy for u .. heheh..

saw alot of teachers too... glad to know that they are all doing well.. wonder if there is realli any teacher in the school will really miss 4A??.. or has 4A'07 already become part of the history??.. well.. no one knows.. but..we know that the the times we had with each other in 4A, will never be history to any of us, it will be the happiest memories we will have in our mind..

good luck my friends.
and i guess i dont have to write my name le uh??.. since u all already know who am i ^^

Thursday, March 20, 2008
3/20/2008 11:03:00 PM

hie hie everyone.. guess who am i ??.. lol.z.. been long since i last post.. and its like..... no one is posting la.. so i decided to do some posting.. well.. not for anyone though... but just cos this is MY class blog.. so yea.. it should be alrite yea??.. haha...

dont know how many of u all out there still visit this blog.. but i know there is quite some arhx??.. haha.. dont forget to tag when u come.. just a hie will be good enough.. at least dont make us feel that u are heartless.. haha.. cos i know some of ur like to see without leaving a tag or something..haha.

so... hows everyone doing??.. fine i guess... most are now busy with ur JC huh??.. stress??.. ha.. dont be jealous of us( those who are going poly).. haha... just to let ur know...WE ARE ENJOYING OUR LIFE SIA... WAHAHAHHAHAHHA...
and those who are going to poly... busy with ur adminstration liao arhx?.. haha .. hey,.. better do it fast b4 they dont let u in ok.... haha...

ha.. and of cos.. not forgetting our dear teacher la.. haha... saw chia'ed saw peh.. haha. doing good rite?/.. loz... well of cos... u cannot expect a perfect class.. since WE , 4A'07 is no longer in yuying.. so yea.. haha.. alrite.. dont laugh and dont bluff urself.. i know deep down ur heart... u all are also thinking that we are a perfect class rite??... WAHAHAHAHA... i knew it.. lolz...

well and of cos.. there are mrs ravi too.. but i dont know if she still visit our blog bo???.. but nvm.. if any of u get to see her or something.. hey.. tell her 4A miss her like how much we miss DAD and chia'ed.. haha...

anyone crying??.. no la.. i know u are now onli thinking of what'ch we have done together in the pass arhx??.. haha.. missing the time we had together.. missing the time we got scolded and punished huh??.. haha...sad??.. haha..hey.. i am such a idiot talking to myself here.. haha.
well well well.. have u all guess who am i ??.. haha.. well.. thats not important too.. haha.. just know that i am someone from askari can liao.. haha...

just to let u all know.. ppl.. i miss u all alot la..haha... u all might find it stupid.. but seriously.. this is the best class i ever had.... ha.. everything... yes... u all.. u all make my day when i am in 4A...
actually there is alot of thing i wanna tell u all.. but.. i cannot remb whatch i wanna say.. so yea.. cos i have STM la.. so.. haha... dont mind me.. hehe.... well.. but i will post it up once i remb.. haha

once a friend, a lifetime friend...


Yuying Secondary School
Askaris' Eden
We love DAD
Askari Forever!

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