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Saturday, January 24, 2009
1/24/2009 03:05:00 PM

Well, well, well... I bet a pretty penny some of you thought I have forgotten about the polls by now.


They are already up and running so you all have till the last minute before Valentine's day this year to vote. No funny polls there so prepare to take everything with a relatively serious note. (Not)

No signs of Joshua posting anything here yet so... yeah, do more than tagging already. XD

And as I now head towards ending this post in a witty manner... allow me to tell you all a short story about what happened in one of my most recent pop quiz given to me by my lecturer...

Question 5:
Note: This MCQ question might have more than one answer.
Choose as many as you think is correct.

1. Happy!
2. Chinese!
3. New!
4. Year!

And you will get 2 marks for getting it correct! :P

Well then, have a Happy Chinese New Year for all askarians and all the best for everything!

Posted By : Hean Jin (Not so good at humour but makes pitiful attempts at it.)

Wednesday, January 14, 2009
1/14/2009 06:16:00 PM

*Radar distortion noises*

All right. I am sure that anyone who sees this now will go, "Why are you still posting on a barely alive class blog?"

My answer would be, "Good question. Now stop asking."

Anyway, just to pass about a little hint on the upcoming polls, one of which will be regarding CNY, another would be a subject closer to heart and the last one... a surprise.

Speaking of which, I "ran" (Not literally, of course) into the la- I mean the one who started this all recently. (Not Mr Peh, just in case anyone was thinking of him)

Going on, it simply means that I met Joshua. Now, it seems the only thing he remembers me for is "4A class blog" and mentioned something about changing the blog skin (Hopefully soon if he means it). And so, we might have a new blogskin to be admiring.

That about wraps up this post... and just in case anyone wonders who posted the previous post, look below.

Posted By : Hean Jin (Happened to "accidentally" forget to tag the last post... Sorry)

Thursday, January 1, 2009
1/01/2009 12:33:00 AM

Hello once more, fellow ASKARIANS!

A year has finally gone by since our parting after the O levels and so on...

And frankly speaking, I have no idea what I intended to do or get done by posting this anyway.

Most importantly at hand would be to wish everyone a Happy New Year!

Gone is 2008 as we are now in 2009 and venturing foward.

At this point of time, most guys/gals who have gone to Poly are probably still in school, (T_T)
and well... most JC guys/gals are probably just done with their holiday break. (Also T_T)

As for our Askarians who are overseas, whether the new year had already passed hours ago or is still approaching at the time of this post (GMT +8), it's hard to say what they are doing right now and so if any one of you who are overseas and reads this, please tag on the Cbox or message over MSN for the blog account and pass so that we can know how you are doing at the moment. (:D)

And that about wraps up my post after stealing the chance for the first post just after the New Year (Although I think no one actually was competing for the first post other than me) and once again, Happy New Year to all the Askarians and anyone else who visits our blog.

PS: Poll center has no polls going yet. One is being planned to start real soon...
PPS: PS stands for Post Script. :)


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